So, the big secret I've been keeping...
Baby Q #2 is expected to make their arrival in December!
I'm sporting a lovely little almost 8 week bump.
I haven't been nearly as sick as I was with Lylah. Thank you, Jesus! But I've also been a lot more tired this time around. I can't sleep enough. I'm so fatigued that it's a miracle if I get much of anything done.
This baby has been prayed for for a very, very long time. Long before Lylah was brought into this world. We have always wanted lots of babies. Lots- meaning four!
With my condition though, we're now thinking two, maybe three if I'm very lucky.
Speaking of my condition... I'll have surgery the first week of June. My Dr. is going to place a cerclage (stitches on the cervix to keep it closed) and strict bed rest will start right after surgery.
If you're a believer, I'd really appreciate your prayers! I know I'm in for a very long stressful journey. I've prepared myself for that. It isn't going to be easy at all but if it's God's will, we're praying we carry this baby to term, and bring him/her home with us healthy and happy. I couldn't be more excited but I've also been battling some anxiety this go around too. Mostly why I've been so quiet. It's hard for me to admit when I'm scared because that means I'm not trusting Him. I'm trying my hardest but I do have some fear. I'd so much rather be free and trust Him. And I'm getting there <3