Liebster Award

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Liebster Award began to help new bloggers, or those with a smaller following get their blogs out there, and to promote each other. 

I normally wouldn't participate in these things but I thought someone took the time to read my blog and is encouraging others to read along. I would of course love to do the same for many other new bloggers (or those with a small following) to get theirs out there as well.

I was nominated by Chrissy from Simple Joys 
Thank you Chrissy!

The Rules:
1. List 11 facts about yourself
2. Answer the questions of the person who nominated you
3. Create 11 new questions
4. Nominate 11 new bloggers that have fewer than 200 followers

11 Facts About Me:
1. My name is Hillary but since I was a kid my nickname has been "Hill" so if you ever see that on my blog.. I'm referring to myself lol ;)
2. I have a two year old 80 pound yellow lab named Jessie who has my heart
3. My husband is my best friend, you can read our love story here 
4. I'm a mama to my 3 month old Angel baby Lylah Grace
5. I went half way through nursing school after two years of college already when I decided I'd rather get married and start a family, and put my career on hold (Oh what crazy things you do when you're in love and full of dreams and hope!)<3
6. I LOVE strawberries, peppermint, coffee, writing, Jesus, and my family (but not in that order ;)
7. I have dreams of ministering to other women and families some day that have gone through what I have
8. My home town has a population of 500, crazy I know. Basically I lived out in the country and you had to make the 10-15 minute drive to town for everything
9. We dream of buying land out in the country and building our own home
10. We want babies, we're just waiting on the Lord to bless us again
11. I'm full of spunk as some say, I may curse a little too much, fully enjoy a cold beer on a hot day, and wine in front of a nice fireplace at night

Questions For Me:
1. Why did you start blogging? 
I have always loved to write, when I went to college I started out majoring in Journalism. After everything I've been through I wanted to find a way to let my emotions out, and help another loss mama or family out there along my journey.
2. What is your favorite way to spend free time?
Honestly, I love to just paroose my favorite stores. I could spend hours in Hobby Lobby and other home decor stores. It's so fun for me to pick out crafts I want to make next and I enjoy redecorating my home every couple months.
3. What gift or talent do you wish you had?
I wish I could sing without being horribly embarrassed. I love to sing along in the car but I know I'm a terrible singer.
4. What is a current goal you have for yourself?
To let go and let God. It's been difficult for me to accept His plan at times because it's incredibly different than what I had planned. My type A personality has me making lists and always planning everything out. On a lighter note: one of my current goals is getting more organized. We've been house hunting and we're eager to buy a new home soon!
5. If you won an all expense paid vacation to whereever you choose, where would you go?
Oh, man if one could only dream... We'd definitely go somewhere tropical. We've been wanting to visit St. Lucia or the Bahamas! So either one would be amazing.
6. What hobby or interest would you like to pick up if you had more time?
I'm really eager to learn how to crochet. I've got some awesome designs I want to recreate. Hopefully while I'm on bedrest whenever God blesses us again I'll be able to.
7. What era or time in history do you find interesting?
I'd say 1930s-40s I love Audrey Hepburn and her career. I wish I could have lived when she was in the midst of her career. She was an amazing actress and she's done wonderful things with her life, leaving behind a beautiful legacy.
8. What shows do you like to watch on TV?
I'm only a little embarrassed to say I'm a reality tv junkie. I love the Bachelor/Bachelorette, KUWTK, Real Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Chicago PD and Rookie Blue just to name a few.
9. What famous person would you like to meet?
Audrey Hepburn like I mentioned before.
10. What is the last book you read?
I Will Carry You by Angie Smith. I'm thinking about a blog post on this coming soon.
11. What is your favorite store to browse?
Target for sure, Hobby Lobby, seriously too many to even type. I love just browsing every single aisle. I could spend hours at Hobby Lobby and Target alone.

Questions For You:
1. Why did you begin blogging?
2. What's your favorite food to make (& If you would include the recipe for us all to try)?
3. What is one of your biggest dreams?
4. One of your fears?
5. Your favorite store to shop at?
6. What do you love to do with your free time?
7. Do you have a DIY project you've tried recently (do you have instructions for us to try)?
8. What are some blogging tips you've learned through your journey here?
9. What is your main goal with your blog?
10. Are you currently reading any good books? Or TV shows?
11. What is a current goal you're striving for?

My nominations are:
 Bailley at Lew Party of Two
Lisa at Lisa Loves John 
 Ashley at Our Mitchell Moments
 Laura at Happily Ever Parker

I love following along with these ladies hope you do too! :)



  1. Hi Hillary! Thank you for the nomination! I've loved reading your blog and getting to know a little bit about you! Looking forward to my post! :) Have a great Wednesday, sweet girl! :)

    1. Thank you so much Kelly! Looking forward to your post :)

  2. So glad to learn more about you! Thank you for taking the time to play along. :)

    1. It was fun and thank you for the nomination!
